





文章來(lái)源:漢杰電纜橋架 作者:電纜橋架廠(chǎng)家 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-05-25 16:29:25 瀏覽次數:0


  Ji 'nan cable bridge procurement guide and purchase points:


  1. 確定需求|Identify needs:

  - 應用環(huán)境:考慮電纜橋架將安裝在室內還是室外,是否需要防腐蝕或防銹處理。

  - Application environment: Consider whether the cable bridge will be installed indoors or outdoors, and whether it needs anti-corrosion or anti-rust treatment.

  - 承載能力:根據電纜的重量和數量,確定所需的橋架承載能力。

  - Bearing capacity: According to the weight and number of cables, determine the required bearing capacity of the bridge.

  - 安裝空間:測量安裝空間的尺寸,確保橋架的尺寸和形狀適合。

  - Installation space: Measure the dimensions of the installation space to ensure that the size and shape of the bridge are suitable.

  2. 材料選擇|Material selection:

  - 鋼制橋架:適用于大多數環(huán)境,具有良好的承載能力和耐用性。

  - Steel bridge: suitable for most environments, with good carrying capacity and durability.

  - 鋁合金橋架:重量輕,易于安裝,適合需要減輕重量的場(chǎng)合。

  Aluminum alloy bridge: light weight, easy to install, suitable for the need to reduce weight occasions.

  - 不銹鋼橋架:耐腐蝕,適合潮濕或化學(xué)腐蝕環(huán)境。

  - Stainless steel bridge: corrosion resistant, suitable for wet or chemical corrosion environment.

  3. 規格和尺寸|Specifications and dimensions:

  - 寬度:根據電纜的數量和大小選擇合適的寬度。

  - Width: Select an appropriate width based on the number and size of cables.

  - 高度:確保橋架的高度可以容納所有電纜,并留有足夠的空間進(jìn)行維護。

  - Height: Ensure that the height of the bridge can accommodate all cables and leave enough room for maintenance.

  - 長(cháng)度:根據實(shí)際安裝空間和布局需求選擇合適的長(cháng)度。

  - Length: Select an appropriate length based on the actual installation space and layout requirements.

  4. 表面處理|Surface treatment:

  - 熱鍍鋅:提供良好的防腐蝕保護。

  - Hot dip galvanizing: provides good corrosion protection.

  - 噴塑:顏色多樣,美觀(guān),且具有一定的防腐蝕性能。

  - Spray: diverse colors, beautiful, and has a certain anti-corrosion performance.

  - 不銹鋼:無(wú)需額外處理,耐腐蝕性能好。

  - Stainless steel: no additional treatment, good corrosion resistance.

  5. 認證和標準|Certification and Standards:

  - 確保所選橋架符合國家和行業(yè)的相關(guān)標準,如GB/T 17620-2016《電纜橋架》等。

  - Ensure that the selected bridge complies with the relevant national and industry standards, such as GB/T 17620-2016 "Cable Bridge", etc.

  - 查看產(chǎn)品是否有相關(guān)的質(zhì)量認證,如ISO 9001等。

  - Check whether the product has the relevant quality certification, such as ISO 9001, etc.

  6. 供應商選擇|Supplier selection:

  - 選擇信譽(yù)良好、服務(wù)好的供應商。

  - Choose reputable suppliers with good service.

  - 考慮供應商的交貨時(shí)間和售后服務(wù)。

  - Consider the supplier's delivery time and after-sales service.


  7. 成本效益分析|Cost-benefit analysis:

  - 比較不同供應商的報價(jià),考慮產(chǎn)品的性?xún)r(jià)比。

  - Compare quotations from different suppliers and consider the price/performance ratio of the product.

  - 考慮長(cháng)期使用的維護成本和更換成本。

  - Consider maintenance costs and replacement costs for long-term use.

  8. 安裝和維護|Installation and maintenance:

  - 了解橋架的安裝方法和維護要求,確保安裝和維護的便利性。

  - Understand the installation method and maintenance requirements of the bridge to ensure the convenience of installation and maintenance.

  - 考慮是否需要供應商提供安裝指導或服務(wù)。

  - Consider whether installation instructions or services from the vendor are required.


  Through the above steps, you can help you purchase the appropriate Ji 'nan cable bridge to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the cable system.


工程案例 / Engineering case
  • 與李女士簽濟南電纜橋架的過(guò)程 與李女士簽濟南電纜橋架的過(guò)程
  • 交通醫院橋架配送案例 交通醫院橋架配送案例
  • 省立醫院橋架配送案例 省立醫院橋架配送案例